Greatest 7 Second Podcast Ever
Scott Van Pelt and Ryan Rusiello of ESPN radio, broke down LSU football in their one-big-thing segment yesterday.
The resulting 7-minutes of LSU inspired banter was quite possibly the best 7 minutes of podcasting this LSU graduate has every heard. Check it out on LSU's ESPN page here. Go to audio links, and click on the Scott Van Pelt show.
Wednesday's Five Great Links
- Tim Kawakami comes to Singletary's defense
- Chris Quick breaks down Jonathon Sanchez slider
- Scott Van Pelt and Ryan Rusillo give us the most entertaining LSU podcast ever
- The Bay Area Sports Guy is excited about the Giants chances
Pick'Em Leaderboard
NFL Week 5 Picks
Vicks Picks- 6
Keith- 6
King- 7
Jeremy- 6
Caroline- 4
Daniel- 7
Kyle- 9
SEC Picks
Kyle- 6
Keith- 6
Jeremy- 4
Vick- 6
Caroline- 7
King- 2
SEC Week 5 Pick'Em
Pick'em Leaderboard
SEC Week 2 Results:
DPLsuPhi- 6
Kyle- 5
Caroline- 5
Lance- 5
Jeremy- 4
Keith- 4
SEC Overall Leaderboard:
DplsuPhi- 14
Kyle- 13
Lance- 11
Jeremy- 11
Keith- 11
King- 10
Sledge- 10
NFL Picks Week 2:
Kyle- 11
Daniel- 11
April- 10
King- 10
Jeremy- 8
Buby- 7
Lance- 7
NFL Overall Leaderboard: (if you missed a week, you get the lowest score)
Kyle- 19
April- 19
Buby- 18
Daniel- 17
King- 16
Andre- 15
Vick- 15
Caroline- 13
Jeremy- 13
Singletary Flirts with Insanity
I tell you what, after a week full of questions about Rats, play calls, Jimmy Raye and Alex Smith suckiness, Mike Singeltary looks like a man who has taken a few to many helmets to the head over the years.
Check out this interview, where the coach nearly looses it and provides us with even more classic quotes to add to the soundbank.
Man, if this whole Singletary/Head Coaching thing dosent work out, its going to be bad. He has done and said some crazy things over the last 2 years and most of it has been spun positively up to this point. If this team starts tanking in the face of hieghtend expectations, I can assure you that Singletarys off the wall actions and comments will not be taken as lightly as they are now.
"We are not going to try to stop Drew Brees. We WILL stop Drew Brees."